Finding a diet that works for you with a tried and tested weekly diet plan can be like finding a needle in a haystack, the more you search for one the harder the search seems to get! It's information overload! However here is light at the end of the tunnel. I want to hold your hand and guide you through all the nonsense and confusion to find a simple, easy to follow diet that works specifically for you.

Ideally a diet should keep the weight off permanently and to do that the diet must not take over our lives, be too hard to stick to and not leave us hungry whilst at the same time allowing us to eat exciting, healthy, gorgeous food that we really want to eat. If we have any hope of succeeding at a diet it has to be all these things and be easy to stick to, in fact it shouldn't even be a diet!

Does a diet like this exist?

It does, it definitely does. The reason so many diets don't work is because they're aren't tailor-made for us and in fact they're based on old ideas or conflicting ones and they usually make us eat stuff that we hate!

I will share with you a programme with a weekly diet plan that worked for me and still works for me now and has been real easy for me to stick to, in fact I don't think about it that much nowadays, I certainly don't watch the calories.

Initially the secret is to find out what metabolism type you are and then to prepare yourself with what you're trying to achieve, you're going to change your life for the better and for ever so it does mean changing some of your eating habits. You need to know right now that this shouldn't be that hard, I've tried all types of diets and they were just too darn hard for me to stick to, this programme however simply isn't like that. Now I don't even want to eat what I used to and that is the whole point and benefit of this programme, it's not a diet as we know it.

A lot of processed foods are the enemy to weight loss, they either contain the wrong types of sugar and fat, the type that causes weight gain, or they cause our body to hang on to this fat and even create sugars! Your liver is responsible for a great many things but for us its major significance is that it controls the storage, production and removal of fats and sugars. Your liver has a much harder time dealing with processed foods than it does natural foods, processed foods after all are quite a recent invention and our livers haven't had enough time to adapt to them.

Processed foods can cause spikes in our blood sugars and insulin which make our livers store fat, also this spike can make us even more hungry and crave even more of the very foods that keep this evil cycle going. If we simply level this out by replacing processed food with natural we are going a long way to losing weight permanently which is great news.

Using this advice and a weekly diet plan you could lose 10% of your body fat within 30 days. However there is one more fantastic tip that can really turbo boost your weight loss. If you want to know what that is go here

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