I began my Mediterranean Diet Plan after two visits to the dietitian and many hours of research. My doctor recommended having her help me work on losing weight, and reducing my sugar and salt consumption.

Start writing a diary

First step in my plan was to start a food diary. I wrote down the quantities of every thing I ate and drank including the time of the day for at least 3-4 days a week. Research shows that being aware of what you eat on most days of the week will help you succeed in achieving your goal.

Set up your goal

Speaking of goals, the second thing I did was to set my goal. I wrote down how many pounds I plan to lose and when do I want to do it by. Set up a goal that you believe you can accomplish. Plan for success! Set up a specific goal. This sense of purpose is a great driving force for me.

Things to consider when you're setting your goal:

Find out your Body Mass Index BMI.
According to your BMI, determine the amount of weight you want to lose.
Set a time line. It doesn't have to be a specific date. It could be a particular month. You'll do it by March for example. I based my time line on losing 1 pound a week.
Be aware of your food consumption. Know your serving sizes from each of the food groups.
Decide what type of exercise/physical activities you'll participate in. Schedule it. Give it a priority.
Find a buddy or a family member to join you on your new path. I had my wife join me with my new eating habits and my walks. It makes it easier if you have someone share it with.

Think of the Mediterranean Diet plan as laying a foundation for your well-being, something that you will be doing from now on to benefit your body and your health. What I like about the Mediterranean Diet plan is that is so simple.

I follow the food pyramid for the types of foods I consume.
I reduced my portions by following the number food servings. I use to eat loaded plates and go for seconds, now I eat smaller portions from all food groups and feel satisfied.
I exercise, I try to walk everyday. During the summer it was very easy to do. Now, during the winter months, I combine walking (2-3 Times a week) and a workout on the exercise bike (2-3 times).

My Personal Experience With The Mediterranean Diet

My name is sol and I have been following the Mediterranean diet for three years now. It has made a tremendous difference in my live. I eat healthy, I exercise, and I have lots more energy. I used to weigh 207 lbs (94 kg), and now I weigh 177 lbs (81 kg). That's a loss of 30 lbs (13.5 kg)! When I look at myself now, I feel good. My body is slimmer and I feel a sense of accomplishment.

To find out more please visit my blog pinpoint250.blogspot.com/p/home_06.html pinpoint250.blogspot.com/p/home_06.html

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