With all the magazines in the aisle at supermarket, the commercials on television, and the late-night infomercials talking about the newest diets and fastest ways to lose weight, it's easy to get confused. Some overweight people have a tendency to believe in any quick-fix or miracle method, while others are very skeptical (as they often rightly should be) about all the magical solutions for weight loss that are advertised. Some diets may be successful in jump-starting weight loss, but often have negative sides associated. Let's take a closer look at some of the high profile diets of today.
1. High protein diets.
This kind of diet virtually eliminates carbohydrates from your daily consumption, often resulting in quick weight loss.
Eating a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates often results in your body not getting the vitamins and minerals it needs that are natural in foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Food that is high in protein is often also high in fat. Consumption of too much will put you in danger of increased risk for heart disease.
If high fiber vegetables are deemphasized as a part of your meals,your body may not get enough fiber and essential nutrients needed to maintain healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular health.
2. Glycemic index diets.
These types of diets attempt to control blood sugar fluctuations by choosing foods that rank low on the glycemic index. These types of diets were used to help diabetics control fluctuating blood sugar levels, and are now the basis for popular diets like Southbeach and the Zone.
Though in practice, this seems like a healthy system, it is often difficult to compare foods based on a GI score. Some foods with low GI scores include candy bars and potato chips, and it would seem obvious that they are not smart food choices.
Experts note that while it is difficult to analyze the effectiveness in choosing a food based on glycemic index for actual weight loss, these foods may help to reduce hunger which may then impact weight loss.
3. Weight Watchers/points based diets. These diets allot you a certain number of points that you can consume in a day. This allotment is generally based on age, gender, and activity level.
These types of diets are often very effective for some, but fails to take into consideration the 'hoarding of points' that some undergo when they are looking forward to a certain meal or treat. This will wreak havoc on a dieter's metabolism and may prevent consumption of quality foods that your body needs to function.
Some of these diets require membership and weekly meetings,and it may be expensive to maintain.
4. Low calorie diet/low-low calorie diet.
Low calorie diets are those considered to be less than 1500-1800 calories per day. Very low calorie diets (VLCDs) are those under 800 calories a day. These types of diets are advertised to do only under the supervision of a doctor and for very short periods of times.
While this may help in an initial fast burst of weight loss, this is not conducive to making healthy lifestyle changes.
Reintroduction of a normal diet is often very difficult on individuals after restricting consumption and types of foods that are eaten for weeks and months at a time.
Side effects such as severe nausea, constipation, dizziness,diarrhea, and headaches are very common.
When choosing a diet plan that is right for you, be sure to evaluate the negatives with the positives, consider the impact they may have long term, and especially the feasibility to incorporate them into the rest of your life.
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