The Perfect Pregnancy Diet Plan to Curb Unhealthy Cravings

Generally, pregnant women will find that their cravings kick in around the second trimester. Some of these cravings can and should be worked into your pregnancy diet plan, while some should be avoided.

Some cravings are messages from your body telling you about deficiencies and others are simply indulgences.

The miscommunication between your body and your actions can lead to some unnecessary weight gain, poor nutritional habits, and can also limit your baby's ability to grow healthily.

During your second trimester, your baby's nervous system is being engineered. This is the stage when the baby goes from a little flicker on the screen to the adorable bundle of joy that you are envisioning.

Too Much of a Good Thing Can Turn Bad: Pregnancy Nutrition

Most moms crave sugar at some point during their term. This is a normal craving. However, indulging in too much sugar can lead to gestational diabetes, and even cause your child to be overweight in later years.

Also, if you thought the headaches were bad in the first trimester, the sugar highs and lows that your body will suffer if you over-indulge will send those migraines through the roof.

Also, if you are hoping to have your baby natural or would like to limit the amount of tearing you have, skip the sugar bowl. Ingesting too much sugar has been linked to higher birth weights and sizes in newborns, which can lead to complicated births, unnecessary tearing, and a longer recovery process post partum.

Moderation is key.

It's ok to have a pregnancy indulgence, but between meals opt for an organic apple or heat up some chamomile tea and sweeten it with agave nectar or raw honey. Also, heartburn is a common side effect of pregnancy when you enter your second trimester, well into your third. If you want something sweet that won't aggravate heartburn, try slicing up some fresh papaya from the farmer's market.

Healthy Food for a Pregnancy Diet Plan Always Includes Protein

Meat and sources of protein are rarely noted as a pregnancy craving. Instead, salt and sugar lead the pack. However, even if you aren't feeling like eating protein, it is still a good idea to make sure that you get enough.

Those amino acids in protein as well as essential vitamins and minerals are paramount for your baby's development. Healthy bones, teeth, and internal organs are just a couple bites of lean protein away.

For more information and a variety of healthy nutritious recipes Check this out!

For your pregnancy health and the health of you unborn baby Pregnancy Diet Plan

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