Many people who start a detox diet are not able to complete it. This is simply because they have not planned sufficiently ahead. By preparing both practically and mentally, you will have the best chance of achieving your goals. When you know what is ahead of you, things are not so daunting. Here is how to devise your very own detox diet plan.
Initial Preparation
Plan when you are going to be doing your detox. Some people like to take time off work just so that they have no distractions. Try doing it at a time when there is not too much going on in your social life. Let your friends and family know what you are doing. That way they can help support you. Once you have set a date you can also mentally prepare for the day.
Find out about the different foods that you can eat on your diet. Include plenty of variety and foods that have different textures. Some people get so hung up on what they can't eat that they forget that there is a wealth of foods that are allowed.
Planning your Food
When you are planning your food it is a good idea to make a list of allowed foods and then arrange them into meals. Remember to include plenty of leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce and spinach. Salad vegetables such as celery, tomatoes and cucumber are also good.
Make sure your detox diet plan includes plenty of fruit too. Remember that you can have them as healthy smoothies and fruit juices as well as eating the fruit whole. Oranges and other citrus fruits rich in vitamin C are good for your health. Blueberries have also received a lot of press recently for their healthy benefits.
Some people like to eat plenty of raw food on their detox. This is good way of maintaining all the nutrients in the food, as they are not damaged by the cooking process.
What to Drink
Remember to plan to cut down on caffeine during your detox. That includes coffee and regular tea. You should instead drink plenty of water; ideally about 8 glasses a day. You can also have herbal teas and fruit juices.
Once you have a detox diet plan in place, you'll have the best chance of getting to the end of your diet. When it is finished, you'll be glad you made the effort.
Learn how to get started with a full body detox by visiting You'll also discover the Pro's and Con's of detoxing your body.