Just for a moment, let's forget the Atkins Diet, losing weight with South Beach, the incredibly hard to decipher Zone Diet, Nutrisystem, weight watchers, Jenny Craig, and the hundreds of other gimmick diets which rely on you eating solely one food group. Let's forget the old philosophy that fat makes you fat and if you eat less calories per day then you will naturally lose weight. With so many options out there, there is no wonder that most of the general public is confused about what diet does what and what the most sensible diet plans are. Let's use common sense for just a second and forget all that we read about restraining, cutting out and not eating certain foods. To me, the most sensible diet plan is one that we, as humans have been eating since the dawn of time. More importantly though, it is a plan that we have abandoned in the early 20th century.
If you follow this simple diet plan, I can assure you that you will lose weight, have more energy and be healthier overall, possibly even reversing the effects of certain 20th century diseases that are now commonplace. But I have to warn you.....
It won't be easy.
Step One - If you don't understand what you are eating, don't eat it.
This is pretty much anything that is processed and includes a lot of the pre-packaged frozen diet food. Much of what we eat has chemicals that are toxic to our bodies. For instance, did you know that most manufacturers use sulfur in our frozen vegetables? Processed foods are harsh on our bodies and tax our digestive system. We put a huge load on our liver and kidneys, relying on them to help remove the toxic buildup that we get from simply eating modern day food.
Step Two - Go Organic when choosing meats
I could go on and on about what typical meat plants due to our food. While I could do this, here is the biggie: Grazing animals such as cows are meant to eat grass, not grain. Meat manufacturers feed cows grain instead which in turn causes certain natural minerals and fats to be virtually non-existent. In other words, what we get are the bad diet elements from the protein without the typical balanced ratio of omega acids. While this may seem like a non-factor, diet wise, consider this- certain omega acids actually promote weight loss. I shouldn't even mention the huge amounts of pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics in commercial meats that may lead to many different types of cancer and other chronic illnesses
Step Three - Stop being scared of Fats (or fat doesn't make you fat)
Bad fats such as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, man made fats such as trans fats and rancid vegetable oils. The Standard American diet is not deficient in vitamins and minerals, like most would believe. The most lacking nutrient in the American diet are the "good" fats. Good fats are absolutely critical to cancer prevention, brain development, weight loss and many many other things.
Step Four - Eliminate Sugar from your diet
Sugar is everywhere. A recent study concluded that the average American gets 1/3 of his sugar from sodas (a soda has anywhere between 9-11 teaspoons of sugar per serving. The other 2/3rds of sugar comes from hidden sources. Things like peanut butter, ketchup,white bread, rice and pasta as well as yogurt, mayonnaise and soups. The bottom line is that we are slaves to sugar.
To compare the early 1900's to modern day, you will see a very disjointed picture of exactly how much sugar we eat today versus pre-industrial time:
The average American consumes 120 pounds of sugar per year today. One hundred years ago, the average was 5 pounds per year.
Sugar causes all sorts of problems beyond weight gain. It suppresses the immune system and promotes yeast growth. It is also responsible for many of the modern day diseases that we are coping with today.
Even if you can't completely follow this diet word for word, just by limiting your intake of toxins and alien substances found in our food and diet today, I can assure you that you will lose weight. And if you are one of the few that has the discipline to follow it, then you will drop down to your high school weight quickly and be more healthy in the process. It may not be an easy plan, but it is one of the most sensible diet plans out there.
There are many different diet plans out there. But for one that is guaranteed to work you should check out Alex's hubpages.com/hub/Sensible-Diet-Plans sensible diet plans site.
Alex Goodie has championed alternative medicine via diet and nutrition now for 10 years. He believes that diet and nutrition are synonymous with a healthy and natural lifestyle.