One of the best ways to lose weight is to reduce the intake of calories. You only have to take fewer calories that what you normally consume. However, you should make sure that you are providing your body the right amount of calories in order to maintain a good level of metabolism. One of the most recommended diet plans is the 1000 calorie diet plan. This low calorie diet is suitable for those who do not exercise often or not at all. It is a diet that is only employed for a short period.
More often than not, the 1000 calorie diet plan is recommended to people with symptoms of obesity. Thus, it is best to consult a doctor prior to pursuing this plan as it may not be the right diet plan to meet your nutritional needs. On the other hand, if you are apt to follow this diet plan, the first thing to do is to ensure you are always well-hydrated. This would ensure that you keep up with the nutritional demands of your body.
Based on the recommendations of the USDA, you should be able to come up with an appropriate and healthy diet plan. Say, for breakfast, you should opt for a small-sized banana, a cup of skimmed milk, and a cup of cereal. For your morning snack, you should opt for a cup of skimmed milk mixed with ? cup of frozen strawberries. For your lunch, you should opt for 2 slices of whole wheat bread, a plum, and 3 ounces of lean meat, cucumbers, lettuce, and sliced tomatoes. For afternoon snack, you can opt for any food you wish as long as the calories amount to 50 only. For dinner, you should opt for ? cup of your preferred beans, rice worth 75 calories, a slice of low-fat mozzarella cheese, a flour tortilla shell, and a cup of shredded lettuce.
Although most doctors do not recommend bedtime snack for a 1000 calorie diet plan, you can have a cup of strawberries once in a while. In addition, you should be able to consume water, herbal teas, and zero calorie beverages throughout the day to ensure your body is well-hydrated.
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