There are so many diets out there today.  The problem is that many of them are unhealthy for you because they are starvation diets and are not set up for you to succeed.

The fact is that low carb diets, starvation diets, low fat diets and other pre-packaged diet programs do not work for many reasons and most people simply quit and end up gaining back all the weight they initially lost and more. Most people that are overweight in truth get enough exercise but are eating the wrong foods which causes them to stay obese.  Obesity is the single most health issue threatening society today.  We are faced with double portions of high calorie foods in restaurants, drive through fast food restaurants on every corner and "convenience" foods which go straight to our waistlines.  Obesity leads to high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and cancer.

When choosing a diet plan, ask yourself if you can follow that plan.  Does it contain enough calories from a variety of foods that will stave off those hunger pangs and keep you satisfied?  The plan you choose should cover all of the basic foods groups with a wide variety of choices from each group.  The plan should be flexible so that you can exclude foods you dislike and incorporate things that you enjoy eating.  If you have to eat cabbage soup ten times per day you can bet that you won't stick to a plan like that for too long.  Any extreme diet where the foods are repetitive and without variety will set you up for failure.

You should consult your doctor to see what your caloric needs are, and how many calories you can cut to reasonably lose one to two pounds per week.  Any diet plan that claims to make you lose more than 2 pounds per week is making a promise it cannot possibly keep.

Most importantly, make sure that you are losing the weight for yourself, not for anyone else, or you will never truly be happy, even when you reach your goal weight.  Make a commitment to yourself and set a goal, then try every day to make strides towards your goal.  Go out for a walk and enjoy the fresh air, think of those pounds slipping off your body as you walk.  If you have a goal in mind, you will succeed.  Don't beat yourself up over slipping off your diet occasionally, just make sure that you get back on track as soon as possible and continue towards your goal, because you are worth it!! Visit My Site to get your FREE Report Now!

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