When the pregnancy is confirmed it is time for the would-be-moms to take special care of the daily diet which must be well balanced including all that is required for the healthy development of the fetus as well as maintaining the good health of the mother.
Pregnancy induces lots of psychological stress and physical strain due to the gradual development of fetus and that leads to various biochemical and hormonal changes in the body which can be summarized as -
1. Hormonal changes
2. Increase in basal metabolic rate
3. Changes in renal function
As a result the calorie demand increases in the expecting mothers and so moderate amount of high calorie food in the diet is beneficial for the mothers. Mothers should eat according to their appetite and when they feel hungry.
Choosing the right food in pregnancy
Maximum benefits from the food can be reaped only if the right food is taken in right amounts keeping in mind the various aspects related to pregnancy. It is obvious that one will avoid allergy causing food items even if they are delicious. Including vitamins like folic acid and iron in the diet is a must as it helps in the development of the brain in the baby and preventing abnormalities like spina bifida.
Milk and dairy products in the form of skimmed milk, yoghurt, cheese are essential as these are calcium rich foods that help in the development of the bones in the fetus. Ghee, butter can be avoided as these result in unnecessary weight gain. Non pasteurized milk from the local vendors must be avoided as these may cause bacterial infections.
Cereals, whole grains, pulses must be important inclusion in the diet as they are good source of protein.
Green leafy vegetables are good sources of folic acid, vitamin and fiber beneficial for mother and the baby.
Egg, Fish, meat provides the essential amino acids, but the food must be well cooked to avoid any bacterial infection which may be harmful for the fetus.
Fresh and juicy fruits are the store house of vitamins which maintains the immune system of the expecting mother and fruit juice help in the replenishment of the fluids. Processed and canned juices must be strictly avoided.
Plenty of fluids must be taken, as constipation is a very common problem during pregnancy, due to the fetal pressure on the stomach. Moreover fluids help in preventing the cramps. Drinking water must be pure to avoid any water borne disease.
It is normal to gain weight during pregnancy, but dieting must be strictly avoided during pregnancy. Some expecting mothers may require extra supplements of iron and calcium if they are weak and anemic. Expecting mothers suffering from high blood pressure and gestational diabetes must have special diet plans advised by the doctor.
Read more on naturalhealth-supplements.com/pregnancy/diet-during-pregnancy.htm Diet during Pregnancy. Read about naturalhealth-supplements.com/breasts/frigidity-treatment.htm Frigidity Natural Treatment to improve stamina and performance.