There are lots of diet plans out there, you can try them one by one, you can choose carefully and find the right one for you. But what about making your own personal diet plan? People have two normal reactions to this idea. One of them is "why make my own when there is so many out there?" And the other is "i'm not a professional, I can't do it on my own" both reactions are legitimate, but are they accurate? No. They are not.
Of course, i'm not expecting anyone to do guess work throughout their diet and i'm not expecting anyone to accidentally find a perfect diet.
What i'm saying is: you can do it, if you acquire the correct knowledge. Let's start with that knowledge then.
I believe you should gather a lot of knowledge before you start your diet. Even if you follow a very specific diet plan, you better off understanding it rather than just following it blindly. This knowledge is the most important thing in your diet, and it will become handy in many situations during your diet. So, get this knowledge wherever you can, it is really not that hard. After the knowledge part, there is still the "why do I need my own personal diet plan?" Question.
And the reason is simple:
everyone is different; the diets that will work for me won't always work for you. Of course, the more generic a diet plan is, the more people it will fit to some degree. But it also means that there is some individual needs that you have which won't get enough attention. Of course we only hear about the success stories.
But think of it this way: generic programs are more appealing.
The more people trying this generic diet, the more success stories there are - even if the overall success rate is low.
And also: what if this specific diet is not for you?
So you can go on searching for the one that will work or make a personal diet plan that will fit you. Now, since you are gathering knowledge anyway, you might as well use it for making your own personal diet plan. There are many advantages to a personal diet plan. You can make it easier for you.
Easier is not the equivalent of less effective, like many people may think. If you know yourself and you have enough of the right knowledge, you can make a personal diet plan that will be easy for you.
It won't necessarily be easy for anyone, but the point is, it will be easy for you. You can also plan it to fit your schedule more than any other random diet. You can avoid anything you dislike in a diet by replacing it with something else. For example, you can balance the carbohydrates/proteins ratio according to what you like to eat. The point is, there is no reason not to make your own personal diet plan, really, it's easier than you think. Click Here to find out what's wrong with your diet Click Here to use your mind and make your diet easier
Good luck,
David H. Mason